
BW- Jump Break Pool Cue with 2 shafts (Break Shaft & Jump Shaft) 3rd
Generation - New and Improved
16 oz - 22 oz Available
BW Jump Break Pool
Cue. We are extremely excited about our new 3rd Generation BW Jump
Break Cue! The forearm is Redwood. The handle and four points
arebony stained maple. There is a jump/break conversion quick
release joint at base of the points that is ideal for jumping. The
joint is wood to wood with a quick release pin. The 2nd
Joint is at the base of the points to break down for jumping (or for use
as a short cue).
This cue features two shafts!
The break shaft
features a short melamine phenolic ferrule with a 13.5 mm very hard -
layered leather tip with extremely stiff taper. This cue simply
smashes the balls and is legal in all competition! You simply will
not believe the increase in power on your break shot!
jump shaft has a black phenolic ferrule with a 13.5 mm phenolic
jump tip. Jumping is effortless and accurate!
Pocketing the object ball on the jump shot becomes easier than you ever
though possible.
This is the first cue we have seen on the market
that comes with two shafts specifically built for jumping and breaking,
and the quick release joint makes it easy to switch from one shaft to
the other. This is simply the best performing Jump Break Cue
we have found anywhere near the price. This jump break cue
performs far better than many jump break cues at three times the price!
Most jump break cues are simply standard cues with an extra joint
installed. The BW jump break cue is specifically built for maximum
power and control on the break AND effortless, accurate jumps!
The 3rd Generation has improved in several regards.
The Redwood forearm with ebony stained maple points is simply stunning! The
lacquer finish is thicker and has far superior gloss. The
shaft wood is grade A Canadian hard rock maple. The break tip is
very hard, layered leather and is legal in all competition. The
jump tip is brown phenolic (bakelite) on a black phenolic ferrule.
The jump shaft is also suitable for breaking where phenolic tips are
legal. The break shaft is suitable as a playing shaft for
customers who prefer a very thick, stiff shaft with a very hard tip.
MSRP - $275
Sold Out

Three Piece Joint Protectors
Quick Release for BW Jump Break Cue

Regular price: $24.95
Sale Price: $14.00
BW Pool Cues
BW Pool Cues